Oil on Canvas 600 x 1200
Landscape Surrealism
Forests cover 31% of the land mass on our planet and play a significant role in mitigating climate change…. but in the last 100 years humanity has managed to lose as much forest as we did in the last 9,000 years. Close to about the size of the United States (ourworldindata.org).
In my own backyard of Victoria, our state government funded logging company (VicForests) has long been accused of exceptionally poor management. And now in a recent ABC investigation into the performance of VicForests the evidence is overwhelming. For years it has been over logging and not been re-planting as it is legally required to do. Even more galling….successive Governments continue to turn a blind eye.
Sometimes we just have to laugh at the absurdity of where we are today and therein comes Mr Woody…. with his shadow cast onto a close up view of an old timber fence and his exceptionally long timber pole legs, he plays a melody to the demise of our forests… oblivious of the chainsaw mail box logger quietly about to take him down.